I roll cast with a dry and a dropper and rarely get tangled. As with all casting the longer the rod the farther you'll cast.

There are different opinions what's the best line and rod to use. Some say WF line, others say DT.

Personally, I like a WF line on a medium action rod, as this will mean the rod will load more. I also prefer a longer leader. But often I'm fishing fast rods, and then find I have to roll cast; so I think technique is very important. As a raise my rod tip, I always watch the bottom of my D-Loop and make sure it doesn't sag because I have waited too long to make my forward roll cast. The D-loop should be in an oval shape. If I want too long it will be almost an L-shape. (My anchor should be the leader and about two feet of fly line on the water.)

To make sure I don't add slack to the line during the cast, I hold the line against the rod butt with my index finger. When I make my abrupt stop I let go of the line.
