Steve, your welcome.

My problems with rumors flying around the net are.

1. Good intentioned people such as yourself act on them waisting their own time.

2 Staffers from government offices have to sort through the letters, emails etc this Generates, waisting the time of the staffers etc.

3. This creates a boy crying wolf scenario where when something comes along that we truly need to react too, people will no longer respond to the emails. When the political staffers receive the emails etc they don't have the time to go through them or outright ignore them classifying them with the other junk.

This is why before I post something such as yours I do a little research (in this case googling the Sb number) to find out if it is true. In the case of gun issues I go to the NRA website for information, they may lean to one direction but it is also the direction I lean on this issue.

I was burned on something similar in the past and hope I am never burned again.
