Although I have known of the threat of fish consumtion for a long time now, I am sickened every time I read about it.

Choose carefully when you go to the poles. Be aware of those legislators and politicians who foster this kind of environment for us to raise our children in.
Our Energy policy now (recent change which serves to only increase profits for large energy companies) allows for extremely old coal burning plants (like those in the Ohio area which impact these rivers) to be all but completely overhauled with modern machinery and equipment and not meet any of the current standards imposed on new plants, effectifely bypassing the Federal Clean air and water regulations.

If you find heavy metals in fish, you can invariably trace it back to coal burning (as well as other industrail processes).

This is precisely why I enjoy high Sierra stream fishing. This past year, I have been able to fish non-stocked wild trout at the source (headwaters). Although a trophy is a mere 14 inches, they are as close to natural as I have yet been able get. It is an important part of my total fishing experience to know that I am not wading in industrail waste.

Somewhere between all-out tree huggers and environmental genocide lies a guy with a fly rod in is hands wondering what the fu** happened.