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Thread: More on Idaho

  1. #1

    Default More on Idaho

    I heard about this a few months ago, and I seriously didn't think it would go through due to how really stupid this is.

    I understand Idaho being very concerned with Mud Snails and other pest, and I support them totally about doing what they can to control it.
    Yes, Utah has some critters Idaho SHOULDN'T have to put up with.

    All of this I understand. I understand they want to set up wash stations and that too is an excellent idea and I back that 100%.

    What I don't get it a STICKER for all boats over 10'. Now for locals, that sticker cost $5. for non motorized and $10. for a motor and out of staters it is $20. for a motor.
    Okay, I am a PONTOONER and my pontoon is over 10' and I have an ELECTRIC MOTOR...not gas which could transport pests.
    BUT, why is it 10'? You mean to tell me a tube or a smaller pontoon boat can't transmit pest? How about felt soles......Pelicans...etc?
    So they are wasting money coming up with a catchy little sticker?!!!!
    This is NOT thought out at all and I think they need to hear from the people!!!
    Tack $1. to $5. on the licenses makes much more sense.

    This is the DUMBEST thing I have ever seen and I can't believe the people in charge let this ridiculous bill pass!

  2. #2


    10 foot craft? They must want all the revenue they can find!
    Check this out: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...TL&type=living
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  3. #3


    Okay well thinking about it alittle more, maybe tacking on the fishing license won't work as thes guys also get transported by water skiers and water toys.
    My point is still, that it doesn't start on a certain length boat. I mean a 10' boat carries them but a 9' doesn't?
    Maybe a couple of dollars on all boats and tubes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    SO, assuming traces of the invasive culprits ARE detected at these inspections, are there immediate REMEDIES available ??.Or does the fee just cover the inspection and NOT the "detoxification"?


  5. #5


    It is going towards steam cleaners and termination of the culprits.
    It is a good system, I have witnessed it....it is their approach to finance this that I find flawed big time.

  6. #6


    >It is going towards steam cleaners...

    Is the steam cleaning just automatically done or only if they find bugs?

    My new Skyko is going to be my prize possession for a while. I don't know how I'll handle even watching my wife use it while I'm stuck on shore, much less somebody steam cleaning it and making me pay them to do it.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Fly Goddess View Post
    ...Yes, Utah has some critters Idaho SHOULDN'T have to put up with....!
    Joni -

    There are a lot of good folks in Utah, but you are right, there are also a bunch of critters that Idaho shouldn't have to put up with.

    At the last Snake River Cutthroat Club meeting, it was reported that Fish and Game had issued 65 citations at one of the reservoirs in the southern part of the state over one weekend. 63 of them went to critters from Utah.

    Some might argue that Fish and Game checks license plates before they issue citations. I think not.

    If the other kinds of critters are being carried here by people coming up from Utah, Utah folks ought to pay for prevention measures.

    The fish are always right.

  8. #8


    On that citation thing....are you talking about using bait on artificial waters? There is a difference there.
    First off, I am born and raised Idaho, but I have Utah plates due to work, as I am betting allot of those plates are.
    You have any idea how many Idaho plates there are here in Utah?
    The main problem is the waterskiing and the jet skis as there is some water left in the motors.
    I personally don't see pontoon/tubes as a big carrier, let alone an occasional electric motor.
    On another forum, there is a big Idaho get together at Lake Powell. Let alone other UTAH waters like Yuba, Strawberry....etc.

    So, the Critters may be here, but Utahans are not the only ones that can transport them.

    My Brother in Law has Idaho plates, but there again, born and raised in Utah.
    The plate doesn't tell everything, and you need to explain what all those CITATIONS were about. You make it sound like a bunch of Utahans knowingly went to destroy Idaho waters, that is not the case, and how many Idaho Citations are given out?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Boats and Birds

    Ever consider the fact that not only Boats, but the Birds that seem to be on a population explosion mainly Pelicans might be part of the problem. They (biologist) will discover that not just Pelicans but some other flying bird Geese,Cranes,Seagulls etc. Who knows what will be next. May be licenses fees for felt wading boots!
    Were only dancing on this earth for a short time, might as well be dancing with trout.

  10. #10
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    I lived in Idaho the last few years, moved from Oregon to there and am now in Washington. Their are some things I miss about Idaho, They don't tax you to death, there isn't a state fee every time you turn around. The in state fishing licence is inexpensive, the boat registration fees are reasonable. The licence plate on my boat trailer was very inexpensive and lasted for 10 years.
    In Idaho If I bought a new boat I would pay a sales tax but unlike Washinton I wouldn't have to pay a luxury tax on top of it.

    This is a user tax, That is actualy going for a good cause I would guess that the boats that are being assesed this fee are also those who have to be licenced. But I would have to check on the states website to be sure.

    I would have no problem at all paying the fee to take my boat back to Idaho.

    Last edited by Eric-WD; 04-26-2009 at 05:13 PM.
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