The stripers have arrived big time in the Weldon area. Early morning and late evening there is often a topwater bite. Fast sinking line is the ticket otherwise. Many of us use 20-30 ft of LC13 or T14 line as a shooting head. There are a lot of snags up there and I have heard of people losing their flylines. I would rather lose a few bucks of shooting head compared to a whole $60 plus flyline!

Blue over white is another good color. The stripers forage a lot on the blueback herring (though these are currently threatened on that river and can no longer be caught or used for bait!). The bigger fish are caught on bigger flies but you may not catch as many. If you wait until May, the stripers will still be there but the meat fisherman will be gone because it is strictly a C&R fishery then. That means less boats on the water.

Good luck,