I have fished, camped and hiked in both the Golden Trout Wilderness and the Ansel Adams Wilderness in CA. There are pack stations as well. I love to hike but I usually go with my family and that makes backpaking a little harder as I have to outfit my kids who can't carry much so we have the packers bring the gear to predetermined locations and we hike in (dunnage trip). The fishing is really special as there are seldom any other humans seen and the fish are not pressured like they are in the national parks and easier access areas. Don't plan on getting there until June though (Sierra springtime). This past year the Sierras got a lot of snow and I had to wait until late June when the roads were cleared enough to get to the pack station. Fording rivers is dangerous in spring as well so mid July is better if you need to cross any streams that don't have foot bridges or natural bridges (giant redwood sequoia which have fallen across).