I have to say I am flabergasted. Oh my god there is a law that says I can't have the feathers. Big deal. Six pages of posts over nonsense. If the government wants to bust me for using a feather I found on the ground so be it. My choice. We as humans seem to stick our nose in mother natures business to much and she bites let me tell ya. We have a law here in Idaho that says it is a felony to spit on the sidewalk. I make it a point everytime I pass the cop shop I spit on the sidewalk. Don't care hope they bust me so the law can be removed from the books. Any Judge in his or her right mind would not impose imprisonment or a fine to anyone using a feather for a fly off a game bird. If I was tying in a expo and a person came up to me and wanted to know where I got the feather I would tell them Cabelas or Sportsmans warehouse or somewhere like that and they could move on. The fact that the fine for holding a song bird feather is greater then a lot worse crimes only tells me that we are stupid for letting the govenment do that to us and folks I include myself in this as well. I feel that if we campaigned as much as the animal lovers did then we would not have stupid laws on the books. But then again I use barbed hooks and do believe in keeping my fish if I want to. Just my two cents And yes if you would kill a cat for doing what its natural instincts are please refer to my statement about mother nature above.