Here is what rubs me wrong about peta. If you really care about the fish than do something to help there habitat, and stop the poisoning of fish. Strive for cleaner waters, and more natural habitat, instead on pushing you anti-fishing propaganda. What people forget is that a good 85% of the people in peta live in big cities, they dont venture into the wilderness, and understand the calling to protect nature. They are too busy drinking lattes, putting in nose rings, and listening to the latest hollywood actor tell the world that america is bad and eating fish are bad.

The simply fact that america has turned to hollywood for its moral compass is scare enough. So I feel sorry for these poor souls who have been mislead by the latest hollywood yeahoo. What you forget is that God has given us the task to be stewards of this great earth, and if you really want to save fish then lets start restoring habitat and protect them from poisoning that is occuring.

Secondly, leave the poor fisherman alone. I would like to see the exact study that the Oklahomans have done. I have alot of questions. How did you come by your data? Did you fish? What fish species are you talking about? I am sure there are alot more variables than jus hooks that would describe the 43%. We all have to remeber you can render any stat in your favour. So I would like to see the whole study. I guarentee you it will be totaly different than what they are quoting, or it is funded by peta or a simular organization. At any rate I will continue to fish.
