Thanks for all the info. I'm going to stick with 2 rods. A 4wt is to light to cast heavy nymphs, and a 9wt is too heavy for the river. I'm from Central Pa so 80-90% of my fishing is going to to for trout and locals lakes and the Susquehanna. I know a 8wt is a little on the light side for Pike and light saltwater, but I don't know how much of that I will get to do. 1 trip a year for pike, I'll just put sink tip 9wt lin on the 8wt and that should work fine. I just won't be able to cast as far. No big deal. I camp in the summer, this coming summer we're planning on going to Arcadia National park, that,s why I want the 8wt. Too many rods and there is too many choices. I have a hard enouph time picking which fly to use. I have a 8' 5wt right now which I'm using for everything. Works fine until I tie on a bunny strip fly with dumbell eyes then it gets ugly. Works fine other than that. It flexes alot though.