When fishing spiders along moving water, like riffles and runs, I like to cast up stream, add an upstream mend or two to get the flies to sink (I tie them on wet fly hooks, but don't add any extra weight). I try to maintain contact with them without imparting any drag and let them drift towards me pull line to maintain that "almost tight line", then as they pass, mend again and start rolling out the line up stream so you can then extend the drift down stream. At a pool, I'll fish the tail out first, and then work up along the near edge, then the far edges, and finally any seams at the head of the pool if there's a bend.

If I'm on a larger river and workind down stream I'll cast up stream, and drift down and swing.

Finally, if there's a rise going on, then I try and find some I've tied on light wire hooks and fish them through the rise, casting like you would a dry fly.

These are really fun flies to fish. I'm not sure there is a wrong way.

- Jeff