Quote Originally Posted by ohiotuber View Post
I have heard that but never tried it. I could be dead wrong, but it seems to me that the set occurs AFTER the fight (as the rod "dries"), not DURING the fight. I wonder if, after fishing, laying the rod on a table or bench with guides "up" & the upper 1/2 of the rod off the end of the tablewould tend to "offset" any set that may occur....maybe even tying off a light weight of some type off the tip of the rod. Just a thought....quite probably a silly one, but who knows?
Just give the rod a good shake before taking it down and it'll re-align the fibers so it won't take a set. I'm not saying to whip it around like you're trying to beat a snake, but firmly shake it in a bunch of different directions. I had a rod that would warp if you looked at it funny and this helped prevent it to some degree.