I take about 12 or 15 inches of lead off the spool which is enough to tie several flies before I need another piece. I pinch one end against the hook with my left hand at the rear of the hook and wrap forward. When I have the desired number of wraps I pinch off the excess with my thumbnail. At the starting end I either pinch off the excess or fold it around the shank depending on how much there is. When wrapping I let the lead slip between my fingers so as not to induce a twist in it. After wrapping and pinching I compress the wraps together is there are any gaps - usually not required. The only waste is what is left after the last fly - usually minimal.

After wrapping the lead I cover it with a flat heavy thread (fewer wraps required) and apply head cement. I generally prepare several weighted hooks before a tying session.

A Hint - For smoother lead bodies which facilitate the rest of the tying, lightly flatten it with a rolling pin before using it. Do not over flatten and do not let the lead twist when wrapping.

Jim Cramer