Quote Originally Posted by Fly Goddess View Post
I hear all this good stuff about vitamin B and I agree it is a great vitamin, but also a dangerous vitamin if you take too much of one and not balance it out.
It is one vitamin you can O.D. on. You should ALWAYS take a complex and I would still check with a doctor on how much.
Huh? That's incorrect.

First, there is not 1 "B" vitamin. There are several.

Second, B Vits (plural) are water-soluble. They are far less likely to be toxic that non-water-soluble vits like A, E, D and K.

That said, mega-doses of vits are a bad idea borne of the misconception that "if a little is good, more is better". I take a cheap multi daily with food. Not a mega, just about 100% of the RDAs. Maybe it fills in some gaps in my intake, maybe not. Ether way it's fairly harmless and inexpensive.

A possible confounding variable in the reasearch is the nutritional status of the subjects. Maybe they had B vitamin deficiencies that the suppliments were filling. Anyway, one article is not definative. The final step in the scientific process is repeating the finding at independent labs.

How do I know? BS in Nutrition (Penn State), MS in Exercise Physiology (U. of South Carolina)....and my wife has been a dietitian for 15 years.

(...and I stayed at a holiday Inn Express last night)