Good story about that pic. I had a simular experience on the Yellowstone a few falls back. A well known photog was on the same section as a buddy and I one afternoon while we were pontooning. This was a very picturest setting, the classic Paradise Valley montains in the back ground with that magical afternoon light.

This guy had me "fishing" a nice drop off and I was doing my best to hold my spot for the perfect light. Well, after ten minutes I really, really had to get rid of some afternoon beverages. So, against the photog's wishes I slowly waded deep enough to take care of the calling. That was when the pic was taken. I thik that shot ended up in a calendar.

Matt, the Horn has been fishing amazingly well this winter. This year should be stellar. If you can, or anyone for that matter, get out you really should. If you get out this way, feel free to hit me up for some real time info.