Quote Originally Posted by malevo View Post

yeah, the flood didn't help much, nor the lack of money for the gas. On top of that, I moved to DM last summer, so I have the NEIA in about 3 hs each way now (was about 1:30h before).... hopping to get a better paid job.
I work in research, and few years back the labs where I work now and other lab where my wife was workig were destroyed by animal activists. Yes, they are considered domestic terrorism here in the USA too, but nobody seems to be looking for them.
Martin, I can assure you that people are looking for them, I sat in our office last year with an FBI agent who was briefing us on what to look for. (college security office) The problem is they work in little cells with out a set structure. Their acts (crimes) are low budget so they don't need much money or infrastructure and they are intellegent enough that they keep there mouth shut.

But time is on our side.
