Quote Originally Posted by Mato Kuwapi View Post
Mike Conner, I think I recall a lengthy article about Hare's Mask somewhere on the web. It talked about the parts of the Hares Mask and the types of furs found. I read it a long time ago and can no longer find it. A buddy of mine told me that you were the author of that piece, but that it disappeared from the web when your sight went down. If you know what I'm talking about, I'd very much like to retrieve that article. It was on a hard drive of mine that crashed probably two years ago. I can't find it in my back ups.

I'm working on a presentation for the Flygirls of Michigan and Hare's Mask is playing a big part in that.
Apart from my own articles, Davy Wotton wrote an article some years ago about dressing various flies from Hare?s masks. This article has not been available for some time. If you ask Davy maybe he still has a copy available?


A gentleman here on this board made a PDF of an article I wrote on the subject, and made it available for download. It has now scrolled off the board. He or somebody else probably still has it. If you are unable to obtain it, send me an e-mail and I will send you a copy. My e-mail is Mike-Connor at (@) freenet.de

As you addressed me directly, on a specific matter, I replied. But I ceased contributing to this board or answering questions after various contretemps with idiots whose only apparent aim in life is to make it difficult for others.