
As a part of the freshwater tackle industry for two decades, I have witnessed people breaking their equipment over their knees in hopes that we would replace or upgrade their "defective" mechandise.

I cannot believe that there is one retailer or manufacturers representative in the freshwater industry who has not had similar experiences since warranties and guarantees have become a part of the everyday business environment.

Overall, the people to blame for this mess is primarily the fault of manufacturers and retailers as I see it.

Consumers will only take advantage of whatever remedies one has in place.

From a pesonal viewpoint, I still think all warranties and guarantees should be in the hands of manufacturers and not the retailers of the world. Too much of this burden (and risk) is now left in the hands of the retail establishments trying to keep their doors open in what at times appears a volatile evironment.

In 42 years of my life, I've only used a warranty on a rod, once! I've owned more rods that many my age.