thanks denny. our keeshond of 13 years (im only 16) passed away this past march. Trixie was my best friend growing up and i believe helped make me who i am now. after she died, the first time the topic came up of getting a new dog, i thought absolutely not. no dog could ever replace that perfect dog we had, and i never want to go through the loss of a new dog again. but after being home alone just a few times after that, and realizing these are the first times im REALLY home alone, i was missing my dog again. just really wishing i had that companion back, who, no matter what had happened, would just snuggle up next to me next to the couch, lick my face, and help me forget all the stresses. the one who would no matter what i did, or who was mad at me, was ALWAYS happy to see me.
my parents and sister were wanting to get a new dog but i was still on the fence about it. but after reading what you wrote, im thinking maybe it is time to get a new dog. not for a few months yet, but maybe come spring.
the house just gets too lonely when its missing a dog...