Quote Originally Posted by aquabone View Post
very cool Mike!
do you fish w/ these traditional flies often?
thanks for sharing,
, aquabone.
My pleasure. Can't have people thinking I only use plastic, foam, glue, and magic markers!

Yes, I fish them regularly. There is a basic difference in fishing for anadromous brown trout ( Sea run browns), and Atlantic salmon though, which don't feed in fresh water, as opposed to many other fish, in that many traditional flies don't represent anything in particular, ( although some do of course), and fly choice is really just personal whim backed with a little experience.

Over the centuries some patterns have nevertheless established themselves as particular favourites under various conditions.

Nearly all the flies in those photos ( actually I simply placed them on a flatbed scanner) have been fished, and actually caught fish, so some are a little "raggy" or washed out.