Quote Originally Posted by LadyFisher View Post
...Perhaps there is more to the story?
Not likely. Don't have anything more to work with than the articles that Doug linked. BUT ...

The story seems pretty simple. The CA DFG is in violation of a law ( CEQA ) enacted some time ago by the CA legislature. A group with the right and standing to challenge the DFG on the violation did so in an appropriate court. The judge on the case saw the merits of the the challenge. The DFG agreed it was in violation of the law and voluntarily settled for what it thought was a very good deal after what it described as tough negotiations.

There are numerous stories, some true and some fictional, some in history, some in literature, and some in the movies about lynch mobs that got it wrong and hung the wrong person because they didn't take time to look at the facts and the law. Somehow this thread reminds me of those lynch mob stories.
