Very disturbing to see this happen anywhere. The eco-whacks have an ulterior motive on most of the suits they file. They are trying to remove "the public" from public lands so they can have their own private playground. It really isn't about the frogs--it's about denying access. This is only the beginning of the suits over this particular situation. They also choose sympathetic judges and not only do they win the suit, they are awarded their legal fees to be paid for by the government entity. The taxpayers get drilled twice--They have to pay the legal fees of the enviros who have pushed the people out. Defenders of Wildlife and The Center for Biological Diversity use the Southern Environmental Law Center as their legal arm. It is a fund raiser, a money machine that pays their salaries and keeps them going.

Do a google search---Southern Environmental Law Center lawsuits against the National Parks Service and see what you come up with. You might get as mad as I am right now.