SW Ladyfish,
That is one of the big reasons I didn't vote for the current governor. His stand on the environment is terrible as is that of the general assembly. The difference in the clarity of the water between Harrisburg and points north is real but lets not forget that all of the Susquhanna states pollute the river with agricultural run off and raw sewage. Not just Pennsylvania. It's time for us as fishers to send a loud and clear message to all of the state governments that we want the problems solved. We need to do the same for the Delaware water shed as well. If we don't force our states and perhaps the federal government to take action then we can forget about a rescue for these rivers. As I said many of us have known all along that the river is in trouble but trying to get fishers to present a united front is like pulling teeth. I am as guilty of that as the next person. If I can change, and I will, we all can change.

There are funds available under our "Growing Greener" peoject to local communities. I know several of the folks from the Duncannon, Pa. area that helped use their portion of the funds on the Susquehanna River. It's just one effort but they did a good job with what they had.

Eric "nighthawk"

It's a great day for fly fishing!

[This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 11 October 2005).]