Lucky You. I'll go with Ron. I have been tying for 60 plus years and stuff still keeps accumulating.

1. Hard floor, no carpet.

2. A good chair for tying with rollers.

3. Lots and lots of lighting. You can never have too much. I like several different kinds to give me a light balance.

4. At least one 18 or 24 inch by 8 or 9 foot foot bench for your rod building or furled leader making. Two would be better if you have the room.

5. I have four antique oak cabinets with a total of 88 drawers which is not enough. The overflow goes into the garage. A less expensive route would be to go with a bunch of stackable Tuppperware containers or plastic storage containers from the hardware store. You can add more as the need arises. Size them to fit your needs and so you can organize them neatly. Drawers are nice but more expensive.

5. Don't forget book shelves - I assume you will be accumulating a library. Maybe not now but some day. Along with the book shelves a comfortable reading chair with a good light. You'll not always be working on your gear and this is your escape room - your sanctuary.

6. Don't forget a telephone. You might want an intercom to the real world.

7. Organized storage for your rods, reels, and lines. You don't want them just piled in the corner. Don't forget your waders, boots and foul weather gear - storage spots for them also.

8. One last suggestion - assuming that you have or will some day have as much "stuff" as I have I suggest you catalog and inventory your "stuff" so you can easily find it when you need it. I'm still looking for for my blended silk dubbing and my super high grade brown dry fly capes.

Have fun designing your spot.

Jim Cramer