In all honesty, I have never broken a rod playing a fish. I have broken 3 Orvis rods. One was while using it to pry open the tailgate of a Suburban, one while trying to pull down a tree, and one lifting buckets of paint up on the roof. (You don't really expect me to tell you the dumb a-- things I was doing, do you?) Two of the Orvis rods broke at exactly the same spot. Just above the second ferrule (4 piece). IMHO after examining them, I think Orvis has a congenital defect in this area. Seems like the sections that broke were thinner than the adjacent areas and were in the transition from female ferrule diameter to the bulk diameter of the rod. Again, I was doing stupid things, but it was curious that they both broke in the same spot. Reeks of a minor design flaw but who am I to say. Anyone who would try to pry open the door of a Suburban with a 4 wt. can't be too credible.

