Hey perch, congrats on the new feathers... I used to like to get fresh stuff, back not to long ago, it was my favorite way to get tying materials. I know that ring neck doesn't cost that much and right now I probably would prefer that way, but I really enjoyed getting my materials fresh. I enjoyed that part like tying my on flies. Not to take away anything from gerri's method, but I have to agree with Fatman, no need for extra steps. I would also not seal the box but make it so air can get in and out, that will speed up the drying out alot faster cause it will not trap moister, I would also make sure if possible it was as close to outdoors as you can get it like a barn, utilility shed, etc. I never used salt. borax will kill anything that its laid on, dry the life right out off it, blood, fat, little critters and all...