Quote Originally Posted by TyroneFly View Post
Thanks for the info. This Saturday I am going to the casting ponds to practice that cast. I sure wish I asked this question a few weeks ago. I spent an entire day roll casting. Not a bad cast to know, but it would have been nice to be able to mix it up a bit.
JC just told you all you need to know. Period!

Now, if yer like me (pay great attention, practice a lot, read tons, practice more... but somehow can't get past some likely inbred stubborness) you'll benefit from having a friend (spouses don't work, you'll end up getting pissy w/each other...trust me...) come out.

They can hold their arms out across your casting plane to keep you from waving that stick around too much. It works. You'll be surprised at how soon you have to stop!

But you might not be as dense as I am......

One guarantee...you'll be surprised!!!! Old habits are a pain.
