Here's another 'color the things' tip...for single beads or beadchain...

At any craft store they will sell stuff for coloring glass. They'll call it different things: glass stain, glass paint, whatever. The neat thing about this stuff is that when it dries it lets light travel through it. Basically a clear pigment. Comes in lots of colors. The 'best' is lacquer based, but the water based ones are 'permanent' when dry.

Dip the bead chain in it, let it dry. The 'metal' of the bead shines through, giving a nice shiny reflective finish.

To do single taper drilled 'head' beads, I just string them on 20# mono and tie an overhand knot between each bead (so they don't stick together). You can also wedge them singly onto a toothpick then dip them...stick them in a foam block to cure.

Better than paying an extra $2 per 25 for the 'hot' colored beads.....

Good Luck!


p.s; my local Ace Hardware sells black anodized bead chain by the yard.....BS.