Quote Originally Posted by setnhooked View Post
Great build! I really have to jump on the band wagon and try a tiger eye. I actually NEED another 3 wt (shorter) for some tight quartered small streams. Would like to hear how it casts.
It cast very well with both a 3wt WF Mastery XPS line and a 4wt WF Mastery XPS line.
It should be particularly well suited to small streams. I was practicing with 20 to 40 foot casts and it had great accuracy. Once I got out to about 50 feet it started straining and accuracy began to fall off. At 70 feet, it really required some effort. But this rod isn't built for distance and I doubt if I will ever need to cast it over 30 feet.

At the price of the Tiger Eye, you really can't go wrong. I paid full retail for the blank (something I rarely do) and I must say, it is one of the best bargains I have ever gotten.