Having baked several hundred apple pies and consuming many more, I think you either don't have enough ice cream on it or, you are not blowing hard enough on the fork or spoon full. Otherwise you just have to wait until cools. Around my house when the kids were here. unless I make 2 or more at a time it may never last long enough to reach the cool stage so most of the time I never wait for it to cool by it's self.
If you want to really go to the dark side on apples, I also second trying the apple cider, and then of course I'd have to add home made apple butter. I have apple trees and used to make 50 to 60 gallon of apple butter each year and enough cider to drink for us. Either of these you can make in the house in small amounts.
The best of apples to you, Jesse. PS, never put a pie in the window sill, you could ask my Mother why if she were still alive.