Wild One, The river has been VERY good this year and believe it or not, I have only ever fished about 1 mile of the river, if that...was out again this AM for a couple hours, it is deader than dead...3 days of constant nice weather, I think that is what shuts it down, seems change in the weather brings out the fish. Only managed to catch a 10-11" UGLY sucker from the shoot.

Chris, the rod won't be sold any time, has a non-conditional 25.00 replacement so even if I break it, a new one will arrive shortly. BTW, it was only cast on the lawn once and then about 5 times over water before the first Smallie blew up on a Gurgler!

Clay, Ironically, I was going to set aside a day for Carp hunting this weekend but the water here in the area has been pretty murky this summer, no clarity...can't huint what I can't see.