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Thread: Stayner Ducktail

  1. #11

    Cool More on this

    We have the photos and recipes for both here on FAOL, check out this in the Lakes/Stillwater section: http://www.flyanglersonline.com/feat...kes/part12.php

  2. #12


    LadyFisher beat me to it. FAOL is where I first saw it.

    Also I will say I tied most of mine with peacock herl but now I use Peacock Ice Dub.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by mathcarver View Post
    I am not a very good fly tier but I do catch fish. I have a question for some of you more experienced tiers. In tieing a Stayner Ducktail (which by the way is one of the hotest flies I have ever fished) I am having trouble with the mylar tinsel breaking after catching several fish. Would putting super glue on the mylar just before I wrap it hold? If not super glue, then how about using flex seal? I have to tie a lot of these if I have a real good day because when the mylar breaks they do not seem to be as effective. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions. mathcarver
    P.S. Try a stayner ducktail fly, it is grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I several years ago used super glues on some modified Deciever's and other buck tail type flies I used for Stripper an Wipers and quit using it. I also had a problem with the hair breaking off. I switched to using fleximent instead because it seemed easier for me deal with for me was a tip from a friend long ago. I now mix my own glue from Marine Goop and tolulene, (same friend's tip) I've used this for years now and had good results with it. ( it's also cheap to make and can be made as thick or thin as you like) And looking back it has helped a great deal with the hair breaking off so quick and I've tied many since using fleximent type glue But I never gave it much thought as to why it had been breaking so bad before I switched.
    I saw posted on here not long ago someone had the same type problem with deer hair or buck tail after using super glue, they said they figured it hard made a hard spot and the hair could not give any and broke off right at the glued wraps. So there to me was my answer as to what my problem had been long ago when I quit using it and switched to fleximent type glue.
    This may apply in your situation also but I don't know thats just a guess. I do use super glues on some things I tye and it is great stuff for sure. It wouldn't hurt to try it and see if that helps.

    The very best to you, Jesse

  4. #14


    Super glue has a chemical reaction to hair....like deer hair, it will smoke!
    And I agree make it hard, but in this situation I see it more as bullet proofing the fly.

  5. #15


    Thanks to all the input from all of you. I have now tied some with the super glue and the flex seal and I am going to see how they hold up. I stumbled onto this fly in the archives. Late at night when I am in pain and cannot sleep I will go through and look through the achives of flies and if I find one I think(?) might be good, I download it and save it to a memory stick. I have several hundred patterns saved but the Stayner Ducktail is my number uno go to fly. Thanks once again to all of you and I also like the idea of using the peacock chenille and I also have never added weight. You folks are the greatest. Maybe if I use these ideas and the others I may only use this fly for kinds of fishing. Just kidding but thanks a bunch. mathcarver

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    I had also never heard of this fly before but like the look of it very much. The problem I'm having tying it is all of my Mallard feathers have a definite curve to them and the wing does not remain directly over the body but curves out well to one side. Should I use the Super Glue and glue the feather to the top of the body? Won't that ruin the action of the wing? I tried using just the fibers and bunching them up but the fly doesn't look the same without the stem and the flat wing and on the larger sizes the fibers won't reach the end of the tail. Help, please!

  7. #17


    Joe , I do think gluing it to the top of the fly will ruin the action.
    Just a thought, but on flies with the wing on top like that (Zug Bugs, Wet Wulff) I will thin coat the feather with either Sally Hansen Hard as Nails or Softex. It does make the feather last longer and keep it's shape. The over wing really isn't going to move is it?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    Thanks, Fly Goddess.
    Will putting a thin coat of glue on the feather and stroking it while it is still wet actually straighten it out and keep it straight? The feathers I have probably curve at a 45 degree angle as you get closer to the tip.
    I would think the feather would or should move or undulate at least somewhat as you retrieve it.

  9. #19


    Nothing is going to straighten the 45 to my knowledge. Find a different manufacturer. You are right on wanting the vein down the back of the hook, otherwise it will roll.
    MOVEMENT? I am not sure how much it does move? Worth experimenting though.
    I am a SOFT HACKLE freak so I am very much into a movement. but on this fly I just see it getting wet and laying on the back of the hook, but that is just me. Plus the fact fish look up, do they even see the wing?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Red River, New Mexico


    Thanks again, Fly Goddess.
    I will check out some other companies. The fly kind of reminds me of a fancy Rio Grande King, another fly I used to tie and use with great success that I haven't tied or fished with in quite a while. Don't know why, either. I guess it didn't have any really "neat" materials and was almost "too easy" to tie or "too plain"! I suppose discussing that would make for another interesting thread. It sure worked, though.

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