I hope I'm not going to look like a snake oil salesman by posting again on this, but after finding a 2001 catalog for Memphis Net& Twine catalog, I found they do not carry Chicago Cultlery. They ony have Dexter and Russel green river works. Not to be confused with Russel Custom knife makers.
For a bit of history about these 2 makers, Dexter was founded in 1818, Russel green river in 1834. Both are now made by Russel Harrington Cultery Co. The mountain men who trapped in the Rockies during the fur trade era had a saying, I buried it to Green River or, put it to Green River. That meant they buried the blade because the name Russel Green River is near the handle. this was one of their favorite knives for skinning or whatever it took to survive knife.
Both Dexter and Russel are high grade carbon steel, which I have to agree with peregrines in every thing he say's, including the sani-safe handles. I fooled around a little bit with my new (old) Dexter Cheif knife that was given to me and will say it is all I could ask for from a knife. The carbon steel with darken a little over the years, but I have never seen corrosion of any sort on mine. I do take good care of my knives and feel with any kind of care should never be a problem around salt water. As a matter of fact they are many of their knives used in the salt and fresh water industry for preparing,fish clams or whatever type commercial industry as well as meat packing and butchering industry.
This tells me they have to be pretty good to stand up to being some of the best since 1818 and 1834. I'll also say if a mountain man said they were good, I'm not going to argue that..: ) I hope you see the smiley face..!!!
My first knowledge of these knives was many years ago I asked a old commercial Cat fisherman where he got his knives and what kind were they. He had 2 each of 2 different sizes that he and his son were using to fillet what looked to me like a truck load of Cat fish and Carp. He told me they were Russel green river, and gave me Memphis Net and Twine's phone number. I've since gotten several styles of there knives I use for butchering and most other things that need be cut up.
I admit to having a slight collectors diesease when it comes to hunting and fishing stuff, but these kinives are right up there with almost any I own as far as service and everything considered, and far better than but one or 2 of those custom ones that have stainless of some sort in them. But just like Rods or anything, you will get many opinions. You can even take my opinion along with $2 and maybe even get a cup of coffee in some of the cheaper places to buy coffee... : )
Here is Memphis Net& Twines site if you would like to compare prices and check out what they have. www.memphisnet.net Thier phone number is 1-800-238-6380, you can even order a catalog ( interesting to look through) if you like by calling them. Again I in no way have anything to do with them at all other than buying from them off and on over many years.
What ever you find and finally buy, regardless of where or what brand I'm sure it will be the best for you and thats all that matters. Thats why we all have too many rods, guns and whatever ( if that is at all possible) made by several makers.
Good luck in your search for the perfect one..: ) Jesse