Hey Guys, yes it was quite a bit of rain over a 3 day period, but the river only realy rose over a period of about 20 hours, I think the power company may have closed there intake gates so the river went up very quickly and has also gone down again fairly quickly.
With all the rain I did not get my camera out of the bag, but my mate Q did take some pics with his waterproof camera, if I can get him to send me some of them I will try to post them.
As for fishing style Jeff most fish were caught nymphing with heavy bombs and a trailing Green Caddis or Prince nymph.
As far as size goes John those fish are about average for the Tongariro, but at the moment most of the bigger (longer) fish are looking fairly thin and dark but the smaller fish around the 3 to 3.5lb mark are in great shape, short, fat and siver, Just the way we like them!
All the best.