Quote Originally Posted by Tracy View Post
Rick, It's not the water temp's in Texas that are too hot. It's the air temp's that are keeping this wimpy angler in his air conditioned home....
I posted on another board about water temps as a result of this post by Spinner. The responses that I received for local trout streams were that many people feel it is too hot once the stream temps reach 70 F at their peak temp for the day. Many of our streams are spring feed and stay cooler all year. The hot temps get me too, but my biggest negative this time of year is all of the plant growth stream side. I hate all of the weeds. Some poke you yes, but the ones that blister your skin like wild parsnips are the true nasties. Last year I fished through Aug in 5 mm neoprenes. I then bought breathables and ever since, I feel like I am fishing in air conditioning compared to those winter waders.