RAW, the Highbanks area of he 'Tangy is GREAT Carp water...many ops for site fishing and they occasionaly blow up out of the rocks and grab whatever comes by...this is the only place I have seen Carp act this way.

One day, a HUGE one nailed my fly near a downed tree...I mean nailed it, saw the wake coming in fast and furious...was hoping it was monster SM but no, it nailed the fly turned, headed down stream and did a 2 foot high barrel roll right back into the downed wood cover...never got that one.

About 30 minutes later a 4-5 pounder slashed out from under a rock in about a foot of water and ran me into my backing...downsteam under the Home road bridge, turned, headed back upstream...did get that one as well as some very courious looks from the bridge traffic above...mind you I was using a 7' 3wt.