So sorry to hear about your loss. I too lost a son eight years ago, although he was only a little over three months old. He died in an accident. I won't try to tell you that I know how you feel, because even losing a son also, it is always different. It does tend to be a moment that defines the rest of our lives. If you or any of your family need any help or support in this difficult time, there is a group called the "Compassionate Friends", that is a group just for people who have lost a child. Here's a link to their web page. Give it a look. Even if you find that it's not for you, let you wife and if you have other children have a look at it too. They all need to grieve.

The pain never does go away, but in time it does get easier. I often think about him when I am fishing, wondering what he would be like now...would he like to fish too...all the what if's. But I also find healing on those waters too. There is something about a trout stream that is able to cleanse the soul and ease that pain if only for a little while, and that is good enough for me.

I will keep you and yours in my prayers,


All along this path I tread, my heart betrays my weary head
With nothing but my love to save, from the cradle to the grave

[This message has been edited by Darryl (edited 18 September 2005).]