I doubt it. I think the demographics have shifted not just in fly fishing, but in fishing in general.

When A River Runs Through It came out we had a giant mass of Baby Boomers, all in their peak earning years, and all desperate to find a "fulfilling" way to spend money on themselves. Also, it's of primary importance to Baby Boomers to not just do, but to be seen doing by their peers.

Fly fishing was new, exciting, it had a high status quotient attached to it, which is very important to the Boomers. As a generation, they were between about 40 and 60 back then, so they had the energy and the stamina, and most importantly to them, the money to lavish on a new hobby that would produce peer envy.

Fast forward to 2008. The Baby Boomers are now between 50 and 70, the economy is down, and probably the biggest factor is because there was a fly fishing Boom so recently, the status quotient is diminished. Basically, it won't impress other Baby Boomers when it comes up at a cocktail party because that was sooooooo last decade, been there, done it, bought the monogrammed golf shirt. Now let's go back to talking about our new Harley Davidsons . . .

With Generation X and Generation Y, the surest way NOT to appeal to them is to put something in a mass-market movie.

So the bottom line is I don't believe there will be another boom.
