Aw phooey,,, nothing to it. When you get it right you will agree. Do NOT, NOT, NOT lay a base of thread under it. Try this, just to see how simple it is. Start your thread at the bend, yes,,, where the tail ties in. now, hold a 'pinch' of HOLLOW deer hair right on top (in line with the hook shank!). Hold it there and take TWO LOOSE WRAPS of thread over the MIDDLE of the bunch.
Now,,, (while still holding the hair on top of the hook (not real tight)), gently start pulling on the thread and as it gets tighter allow the hair to roll around the hook. Keep pulling and watch in amazement as both ends of the hair stand up. Now pull the hairs to the left with your left hand and take a wrap IN FRONT of the hairs. Next,,, using the fingernails on your right hand,,, jam the gob of hairs back toward the bend. Now do it several times.