I also vote for keeping it the same week - we nailed the timing on those hatches! Of course next year could be entirely different though.

A second on the fans for upstairs - I almost opened the window anyway that first night. There'd have been "Lots of bugs on me!!!" Wasn't too bad once we found where the screens were stored.

A PA Fish-In without Jack just wouldn't be the same. Even with how sick he was, he was still funny as heck. Now that he doesn't work for Cabela's anymore, that may be the only chance I get to visit that character.

We have to be careful about mentioning how FAT we all got. Randy has already threatened to make quiche next year. No thanks - I'll stick to the eggs, bacon, home fries, ham, steak, sausage, toast, and pancakes. A few pounds of scrapple would fit in nicely with all that carnage though. I overheard the cooks and the butcher plotting our waistline's demise for next year - BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID!!!