A couple of weeks ago, I was in the Little Buffalo when I caught a rainbow on this worm looking thing I tied up. Since we were having a little fish-fry, we were keeping most of what we caught. After a few seconds of "battle" with this fish, a very nicely colored rainbow came up out of the water on my hook and I had the hardest time getting a grip on it. Slippery little suckers... Anyhoo... I realized that I did not have my stringer ready and I was trying to hold the fish and keep it from tangling itself in the line anymore than what it already was. I decided to set the fish back in the water (I had not unhooked it yet) and get my stringer. As soon as I did this, the rainbow jumped out of the water, shook the hook out and swam away.

And the cleaner saying I most often use in situations like this is, "Proper planning, prevents p**s poor performance." I won't post the other things I say at time like this....