Quote Originally Posted by flybinder View Post
Being a dog breeder, Dr.Fish, I of course really admire your "security system" you've installed for the protection of your tying area as well as your self.
If not too far off and remembering the bloodlines and pedigree lineage of such a security system, please correct me if I am wrong................. but is that NOT a pure bred "Scottville Spoilededrotten"??
(Just curious)

As to your tying area and those, also recently posted, I still do not understand how ANY ONE can get any flies tied or anything accomplished.......... with such organization, proper labeling, drawers all marked and the DESK SURFACE VISIBLE!?!
Obviously, these are like those "Showcase Homes" builders often will build to only show their workmanship and skill. No one actually LIVES in these Showcase Houses, they're too neat and clean and well organized for human habitation!
WHERE'S the 4 day old, cheese 'samich?? The spilled head cement puddle, that dried in place 9 years ago? The various colors of marabou, floating in permanent suspension, 3' above the area? Coffee cup rings? Beer bottle sweat rings? The 3 week old, donut half?
At least, Martha Stewart would be proud, I suppose.
Yup, you nailed the species! Spoiled Rotten is right but she sure is as good a dog as anyone could ever want : )

As for my tying area being neat . . . well I had to tidy it up for the photo. Rest assured when I've been in full scale tying mode for a few days it looks like a truck full of rabbits and shiny Halloween costumes exploded on my desk. There is fur, SF Blend, Polar Flash and other stuff plied high on the desk and on the floor. I know it time to clean up a bit when I have to DIG through the pile to find the thread, scissors, whip finisher and so on. With as many materials as I have though I have to keep things fairly organized or I'd need to hire a search party to find the cross cut rabbit or Mackerel SF Blend : )