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Thread: danvise jaws

  1. Default danvise jaws

    I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy replacment jaws from my danvise. I bought it last season, and the laws are already gone.....

  2. #2

    Default Try Here!


    Always nice when you can refer to a sponsor! They are the ones I bought my Danvise from.


  3. Default

    Thanks for the help. I do not see on the site where I can order replcment part for thew vise. But I shot him an e-mail. Hopfully he can help me out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mooresboro, NC, USA


    Get in touch with Al Beatty. I got a replacement set from him a couple of years ago. He'll take care of you.

  5. Default

    I just recived a e-mail from Al. He is out of jaws right now, but will have them in about a week. And at a very affordable price...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    So what do you think lead to your jaws needing replacement after a year? Did you tie commercially? Was it the technique that you employed, was it inferior product. I'm curious because one of the vises that I own is a Danvise and I would like it to last a long time.

  7. Default

    I'm not sure what the cuase of my jaws demise. Mybe too tight, though I never thought they were that tight. Maybe just too many flys in a year. I did tie a few. All spring straight threw winter to now. So though I have no true idea of what the cause might be. I'm sure the fault is mine.

  8. #8
    Deezel Guest


    Vise = The tool that is used to securely hold the hook.
    Sorry, but if I purchased a vise and the jaws gave out after only one season of tying, regardless of whether I tied 10, 100 or 1000 dozen flies, I certainly would not buy replacement jaws by the same manufacturer or another one of those vises. Now maybe you got a vise that had defective jaws to begin with? You should contact the manufacturer and discuss the situation.


  9. Default

    Yeah, well I just cannot afford to spend 100 to over 200 on a new vise, when I can get replacment jaws for 10.00. Not that I wouldnt love a newer; nicer vise. I just simply cannot afford it.

  10. #10


    Did you get the DVD with your vice that described how to set it up? If not, you may check with Al about a copy.
    The basics are to put the hook in the jaws, and adjust them so that the cam lever closes to about 45 degrees w/o resistance, then close the jaws completely and check if the hook moves. A hook that is too loose in the vise will also damage the jaws. Someone on a video suggested giving it a "plink" to test it.
    I marked the cam lever hub at about 45 degrees to make it easier to see.


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