Hi All. The only fly shop close to where I live is the BPS in Memphis. Have visited several times and meet a very nice fellow who spent a lot of time with me and was very patient while I looked at all of the reels and most of the rods. Unfortunately, he moved to NJ or somewhere north. The other folks are nice enought though.
I purchased a couple of rods, a 5wt., 4pc. 8'5" White River Classic with an Orvis Bar Stock reel. Love the reel, have grown not to like the rod so much. And a 6'-9" 4wt., 3pc. White River Ultralight Classic with the matching reel that I really enjoy and is my favorite outfit.
Didn't mail order Cabela's because I couldn't get my hands on any rods to check out.
To my mind, BPS stuff is good serviceable middle of the road gear.