What bothers me about the whole activist thing is that when these "tree-huggers" finally get their way and the fishermen and hunters can no longer do what they do, what happens to all the public lands and wildlife management areas?

Some of these areas are really pristine and prime for wildlife. With the way the state governments have been selling off these lands, I'm worried about what will happen to the land that's left. I can't stand the thought of these places being sold for commercial/industrial/residential development. People should really think about what they're doing...

And another point that hasn't been brought up... What if we just left all of this wildlife to roam about and keep reproducing? Eventually, species currently listed as "game" would become "nuisance" and the government would have to get it under control. Now I'm not saying there are going to be rogue schools of fish causing trouble, but there are animals that would become nuisance species if they weren't hunted or fished. There are already some that are considered nuisance species, because of morons bringing them from overseas and releasing them here and others that were already here, but rarely hunted. TN had rewards for people killing coyotes at one time just to keep the population down. I don't know if that's still in effect though.