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Thread: One Week

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up One Week

    One week until the central Washington fish-in.

    I haven't tied enough flies. I haven't been out casting (too cold and windy) I haven't made reservations. I haven't cleaned up my gear since last year. I need to get my house ready to sell, and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels.

    I hope you are better prepared than I am. I am looking forward to seeing new friends and old.


  2. #2
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    Beware Eric!
    Not ready yet! Not ready you say? Haven't even begun to prepare!
    You're a braver or foolisher man than I. Here's why;

    Three days ago I took my Pontoon out of the basement for a shakedown cruise. Waaahhhhhhhh The foot rests were missing. My wife and I turned the whole house, yard and garage upside down but no foot rests. I now believe they were left behind on the last camping trip of September.
    What to do what to do. I thought of ordering new ones, if you can even get them. I realized that it would be too late for the fish in. It turned out to be no problem. After due cogitation of the cerebellum enough it seems to cause a wisp of smoke to waft out of my ears. I bought some 3/4 inch copper pipe and made 2 gnu foot rests. True, they are as ugly as a mud fence but they work.

    Today I took my toon out for its shakedown cruise. Viola! I caught my first bass on a fly. Poor little thing about 6 inches long. Then dumber than a stump I forgot to check if it was a smallmouth or a largemouth it being my first and all. I also forgot to take its picture but wonder of wonder I remembered to save the fly. Both bass species live in the lake I was fishing so I will never know which one I caught. Now I know that the toon and its associated equipment are ship shape for the trip.

    Next I checked the closet and whats this? No Arctic sleeping bag. By this time My wife had left for work so I spent an hour looking for the bag. Finally the first time I have ever phoned her at work in the 12 years she has been there. The sleeping bag I need for the fish in ( good to -40 below zero ) is at her sisters having been loaned out last fall. The sleeping bag that I NEVER Loan out. Second crisis over.

    I have a 52 point check list which I have compiled over the last 4 fish ins. I add to the list after each trip. It has save my bacon time and again.

    Thankfully I got thru the next 50 points on my check list without incident.

    I note that out of 4 fish ins on three occasions my glasses frames came apart the lens falling onto the ground. The tiny screw fell out of the ear piece. This year it was on my list of things to check. Wow its like eerie as heck, one earpiece was just about to let go. This time I put some griffs thin head cement on the threads then tightened them up. That should hold them till heck freezes over. It should, but I know deep down in side that it won't.

    I take way too much stuff to the fish ins including a Showtime electric rotisserie that I only used once for a hot dog in Lowell. Can't be helped I'm built that way.

    I have stuff that I need for the Central Washington Fish-In coming from Cabellas that I am haunting the mailbox each day looking for their arrival.
    I never had them at the other Fish-ins. But I need those things. I have forgotten what is in the order but that doesn't stop me from obsessing about them.

    My medical claim check is due on the 5th of may, without it I will barely be able to scrape by in Ephrata. If it doesn't get here in time I may have to hitch hike there and back. Its my gas money.

    For the most part I am prepared as I'll ever be.

    Then that darn Eric blithely posts that He hasn't even started yet. The nerve.

    The tinkling of a tiny bell sounds in the night air. An omen.

    Hear it not Eric, It is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell.

    Perhaps a warning from the Fish Gods for those doomed souls that take their Fish-ins to lightly.

    Oh! Man! I almost forgot , did anyone check to see if Ephrata Mayor Dagnab Kolinsky
    opened Rocky Ford Creek to fishing again? Or if maybe the Monsoons have blown out the creek?
    Last edited by Gnu Bee Flyer; 05-01-2008 at 10:57 AM.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Liberty Lake, Washington


    You guys have fun. I wish I could be there with you.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  4. #4
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    Yeah Joe that has taken a lot of the fun out of the fish in for me. Who on earth will I sponge a meal off of now? I might actually have to cook a meal or two all on my own.

    Next year Joe.

    By the way what the heck are you doing up this time of night?
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  5. #5
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    Thumbs up

    Joe I also will miss seeing you, Roger definitely looking forward to talking with you again.


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