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Thread: Come on now....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    SW Ontario, Canada
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    Default Come on now....

    Well, I went down again to check on the garbage problem at the river, and the level....When I check, I always take my gear with me. Well, a couple older men were down there worm dunking. They started conversation with me about my flyrod in hand. So the 15min of conversation went great.......Until I said "I wish my wife would come fishing".

    The one old man chuckled and the other gave me quite a dirty look and asked if I really wanted a woman on the "crick" with us men. My response was "I LOVE woman, I wish I seen more woman than men on the CRICK". They then had a straight face and they turned away haha.

    My point is. Actually, first I'll say something else, this post is certainly not meant to start a war or anything. So yeah, my point. Actually, I don't think I have a point. I think it just really got to me these two older men saying that.

    I don't know, I was just really put out by his statement. So I told the two men I seen they were set in thier ways and I wish them a good day of fishing. And that I have the pleasure of not seeing them around often.

    I realize many people don't agree with them, specially the ladies. I also understand that many people don't agree with me. But come on now.

    How do all of you feel on this? Am I being unreasonable, or normal?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Lee & Joan had your answer to that question. Those two old men probably wanted a place to cuss and spit without being scolded.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    I cannot count how many times I have been told how lucky we are to be flyfishing together! Many claim they'd like to have their spouse fish with them. I'd guess those two were probably envious of the thought.
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Not about fly fishing specifically, but there's an old saying...

    "The guy who invented ice fishing must have really hated his wife"
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Delaware, Ohio


    sounds like you need to find a new place to fish brother! First it's the garbage guys and now these fellers. The thing that both of these groups have in common is their total lack of happiness with themselves. They dont' want women around fishing because they're afraid to be outfished by the "weaker sex" (certainly not my view point, I know better) or the garbage guys feel so crappy about themselves that they need to make the river look like their crappy run down trailers so they don't feel out of place. It would be like a pig sleeping on grandma's precious white carpet. They just wouldn't feel right unless they surrounded themselves with crap.

    Both groups are probably a lost cause.
    Leave No Trace

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    My wife has absolutely no interest in fishing. I've taken her a few times and after about an hour or so, she's ready to go home. So, taking my wife fishing is not in the cards. I wish she liked it more, but she does not. The good thing is she knows how much I like to fish so she does not give me any problems when I go. My son likes to fish almost as much as I do so we go a lot for "boy's weekends" and my wife gets to have the house to herself without any "boys" making messes for her to clean. It all works out.

    I have absolutely no problem with women fishing. All women are easier to look at than the men I know.

    As far as the cussing and spitting, as long as the cussing is reserved for appropriate times (like when the fish of a lifetime just broke your line or spit the hook, or for the 20th time of the day you hung a fly in a nearby tree just a couple inches out of reach) most of the women I know will look the other way. Spitting, well, as long as they don't get any splashes or spray, I've heard few women who are out fishing make much comment about that either. The only possible inconvenience I see about women fishing is the need to find a larger tree when nature calls


  7. #7
    Normand Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by OttoDita View Post
    How do all of you feel on this?
    i feel everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. if they dont like women fishing, then so be it. the world didnt stop turning. why try to change anybody to see things the way you do?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I would love it if my wife fished with me some days, others I don't want to fish with anybody. If I was married to some women I wouldnt want them anywhere near the stream lake or river. (a couple of my sisters in law come to mind) But then again I wouldnt be married to them long.


  9. #9


    Hi folks, RW here

    My wife and I have fished together on and off for the over 51 years we've been married. When we lived in Maine and had the big boat on the lake we fished together almost every weekend. She can't wade trout streams so she doesn't trout fish because of bad knees, but I always enjoyed it when we fished together for bass and panfish. She outfished me a lot. She made better lunches to take along than I do too. Almost all of the vacations we have ever taken have had some fishing involved (for me) and sightseeing and other things of interest (for her). She has never once (ever) complained about the fishing trips I take with my cronies, and I never complain about the bridge tournaments she goes to with her friends. It's called compatability. Some folks oughta try it sometime. It's also called giving each other a little space and it's probably why we're still together and happy after 51 years. I'd still go fishing with her any time any place if she wanted too. We've always had fun together.

    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Reading, PA


    It would be great if my wife or daughters liked fishing but they don't and that's ok. As for not having women on the creek well I guess that depends on your relationship with your girlfriend/spouse/daughter. If you already spend a lot of time with them then maybe this is your alone time or guy time. That seems fine to me. If the females in your life like fishing I would highly encourage that behavior and find something else for your guy time. Lifetime fishing partners are worth their weight in gold.

    I use poker night for my guy time. Women are even welcome there as long as they are not sensitive to the usual guy behavior when you mix poker with beer and spicy food.

    To me it's all about having fun with family and friends. The rest is irrelevant.

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