Good evening Betty.
As your starting with a rod blank, the your quest is easy !

Step 1, lightly sand back your blank with 600 wet and dry paper with water added.
Wash down well and allow to dry.

Step 2, find in a hardware shop ?
a spray can of polyurethane, and apply a light coat and WAIT at least 4 days before touching the blank, the longer the better as it will have a harder skin/finish........ a can costs only about $10, here in Australia.

and thats it......... too easy.

Myself, I like flat coloured blanks and spray my personal rods with polyurethane flat, after the rod has been finished, even over the giudes.

If you cannot get a a can of polyu, and then a rubber glove and a small block of foam, dip it in the polyu and wipe it down the blank, and allow to dry.

You could use,
a can of auto touch-up spray in the selected colour.
allow 5 days to dry, at least
and then apply a light spray of polyu spray over the top to apply a hard usuable skin on the rod blank.
and then allow some days to dry.

You must remember.
you can
apply a coat of mineral turps based paint over thinners based paint,
NEVER the other way around.

IF, your still having trouble, please feel free to ask as many times as required and we will change the colour of your day.

Kindest regards,