John - No problem guy. I was kind of wondering if you had forgotten the after the BS. If I had received my "DASH" e-mail before I had answered back I wouldn't even had made the comment. I'm now on a mission to improve my "DASH."

And THANKS for the book recommendation. I love to read, and when someone says an "easy read" I'm all eyes, I?ll pick up the book for sure. I'm in the same boat with you, I'm not really too concerned over my carbon footprint, but I do try to be as "Green" as possible. But I'll tell ya, these fluorescent light bulbs take some getting used to.

As for the Cumberland, man is that fishery a wash-out for those that wade. So much rain all winter there has been no wading at all, none since last fall and that's a big bummer for sure.

See you at the MI Fish-in and have a safe trip.