In younger days, I never used a staff. I waded in water where somebody should have kicked my butt. I took a bath or two, (or three or so) with no consequence other that getting wet and cold. Later on, the knees started giving up, and one has been replaced with metal and plastic, and the other one should be. Wading seemed to get much more difficult, and the South Fork Twostep became impossible to execute, which resulted in the refining process of the impromptu bathing experience. I don't wade wild water any more, and always use a staff and belt when there's any possibility of taking a plunge. It just isn't enjoyable any more. Curtails the day's activities. The worst flop I ever took, was in about a foot of water, within 5 feet of the bank. Too hurried to get to the truck. Both knees and right thumb came face to face with volcanic rocks on the streambed. It still hurts to think about it. A staff would have, in all probability, prevented it.