Joe's list of native CA trout seems consistent with my memory. My library is packed up while we are in the middle of a major home remodel so I don't have my references handy - But rainbow trout varieties (and steelhead) are native to most if not all CA waters (including Baja where there are remnant populations to this day) that drain to the Pacific Ocean.

I have a couple of sources that indicate something to the effect that the ancestors of Rainbow trout are ancient Cutthroat trout that worked their way to the Sea of Cortez via the Colorado River drainage and eventually evolved in to the fish we know as the Steelhead which populated the pacific rim from Baja to Alaska and into Siberia. The various CA native rainbows and goldens are descendants of those steelhead.

Some info on native CA trout can be found here: [url=][/url:f6a61]